Anyone else rushing to get their fruits and veggies in?

Allegedly, it's not "5 a day" for optimal health, it's TEN a day. How can we manage that? Juicing or blending helps get those vits in. From what I have read, your system needs you to chew food for better digestion so if you use your juice as a drink with chewable food, we have some of those bases covered.

I'm not a huge fan of taking packs of vitamins. I do take a vitamin B complex (mood) and magnesium glycinate (muscles) but I'd prefer to take most my vitamins from food.

Here are some drink ideas which only have a few ingredients. We will keep adding to this page.

Tim has created some films of him making these. He has an uplifting personality so worth a quick watch in our on-demand video library.

Berries, apple, mint and honey

Loved adding both the mint and the honey to this juice. (I have a bit of a sweet tooth so this one went down really well for me). I used frozen mixed berries but essentially you could black currents / blueberries depending on what you have in the freezer. Ideally I'd use local honey but we didn't have any in the house.

  • 2 apples
  • Frozen berries
  • 6 mint leaves
  • Squeeze of honey
  • Add water

Apples - can support weight loss as fiber slows digestion and the rise of blood sugar, keeping you satiated and less likely to want snacks between meals

Frozen berries - helps to fight inflamation in the body

Mint- a delicious addition to my juicing!

Honey - a great natural alternative to sugar

Kale, Pineapple, Almonds, Ginger, Banana

A tasty start to the morning with a slightly more involved smoothie - but well worth the taste and also the health benefits it gives. I particularly liked the 'zing' provided by the ginger. With the quantities below I needed to use the blender twice to make - but all depends on how big your blender is I guess.

  • 2 handfuls of kale
  • 1 small piece of ginger (peeled)
  • Banana
  • 1 small handful of almonds
  • 2 handfuls of pineapple
  • Add water to blend

Kale - with plenty of Vitamin C (more than oranges) and selenium kale can support the immune system, whilst plant based calcium is also good for your bones

Ginger - Provides loads of antioxidants, compounds that help prevent stress and damage to the DNA. Helps to enable healthy aging whilst also helping to fight high blood pressure and diseases to the heart and lungs

Banana - rich in nutrients, bananas can help improve blood sugar levels as well as supporting digestive health. Bananas can help you feel fuller so keeping you away from the mid morning snacks

Almonds - although small in quantity, they help fill you up to reduce hunger and  can help reduce your calorific intake.

Pineapple - rich in fibre pineapple can help the digestive system whilst also helping people recover from injury as it can help reduce inflammation, bruising and swelling.

Apple and Kiwi Fruit

  • 2 Apples
  • 2 Kiwi Fruit
  • Add water to blend

Only 2 ingredients so it really is pretty easy. The only thing that can be a little tricky is the peeling of kiwi fruit (or you can scope out like a boiled egg). This really tasted good with the freshness of both the apple and kiwi fruit. What's more your digestion will be helped due to the high levels of fibre.

Apple - being rich in soluble fibre, apples aid your digestion whilst also making feel full for longer, thereby reducing the feeling of being hungry

Kiwi - similarly, the high levels of fibre help digestion, particularly proteins.

Oats, Greek yoghurt with honey, frozen berries and coconut milk

  • 3 tablespoons of oats
  • Cup of frozen berries
  • Couple of scoops of Greek yogurt with honey
  • Coconut water to help the blending

A lovely creamy smoothie (not really a juice) to start the day with the Greek yogurt and coconut milk offering some sweetness.

Oats offers a gluten free option that also has help lower your cholesterol, stabilise blood sugar and help relieve constipation

Greek yogurt has is rich in calcium and protein which has the health benefits of helping to improve bone health

Tomato, orange and parsley

  • 1 Orange (or equivalent)
  • 2 Large tomatoes
  • 1 small handful of parsley
  • Add water to blend

A really quick and easy blend with items you may have in your kitchen most of the time.

Oranges are stacked with vitamin C that is good for enabling smooth skin and helps any wounds to heal

Tomatoes have lots of lycopene that helps protect the skin from within

Parsley is rich in nutrients that protect your eyes and promote healthy vision

We promise to keep adding more. Tim has made some tasty ones and feisty ones (cabbage, mango and cucumber.... mmm maybe not).